Built and finished during an unforgettable Spring and Summer living in a converted barn in the Peak District…
- Sale image
- First inspection at home
- Ebony dye preparation
- Ebony dye testing on Raven Project off-cuts
- Worryingly BLACK
- Commissioned necks arrive from Chine (one will be for Huginn)
- 1st coat of chosen finish, Wudtone Burning Sun
- 3 coats…
- …6 coats…
- Final 9 coats with binding cleaned up with wire wool
- Time for a bottle of Old Empire
- Measurement checks for the correct Tune-o-matic and stop tail piece
- Application of final satin clear coat
- Black-nickel hardware
- Leftover Burning Sun to coat the neck
- Classic Les Paul style Tulip machine heads
- The descision was made for an arcade kill-switch: man up!
- Stepper drill bit makes sizing easy
- Neck bolted on and in alignment
- Custom Demon neckplate (2 of 3)